Thursday, October 16, 2008

Deborah Cramer's SMITHSONIAN OCEAN: OUR WATER, OUR WORLD in the Library Journal

"Recommended for high school and public libraries."
Margaret Rioux
Library Journal, October 15, 2008

Commissioned as a companion to the National Museum of Natural History's new, permanent Ocean Hall, this book is much more than a souvenir. Beautifully and copiously illustrated and featuring extensive easy-to-understand, well-written text, it tells the full story of Earth's oceans, within which life developed and upon which all life still ultimately depends. Cramer (Great Waters: An Atlantic Passage) follows a time line from the beginnings of the earth to the present day and explains what we must do to preserve the ocean's resources. Twenty-eight ocean and themed maps (including coral reefs and hydrothermal vents) are included; the bibliography lists both journal articles and books and is extensive enough to keep an interested reader busy for years.

For the full review, click here and look under the "Science" heading.

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